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1. 亮劍 2014-04-22 08:45:46
政府打擊樓價上升的最終目的,理論上係幫助更多中低收入人仕可以上車, 但現在呢班人更難買倒楼,乃不容否認的事實!







你要打擊的人…… 悶聲發大財!

你要增加供應…… 反而全方位令供應減少,包括中小型2手楼、楼花、落成量、动工量!

2. 復活節長假二手樓市交投活躍 2014-04-22 09:04:41

復活節長假二手樓市交投活躍 按年升逾7成


3. 引刀一快 2014-04-22 10:36:54
4. 點解 2014-04-22 11:00:54



5. 有樓冇尊嚴 2014-04-22 11:18:46

因為“向下曰報” 同“夕陽報” 己淪為思歪曰報。
因為“PM830" 同 “經X日報” 記者編輯等緊上車。
6. 睇得通 2014-04-22 11:24:57
中原城市領先指數 CCL  每周五公佈 – 最新2014/04/18公佈,反映2014/04/072014/04/13(預計簽署正式買賣合約時段)的二手私人住宅樓價。一般在簽署臨時買賣合約後14日內簽署正式買賣合約。
本週公佈 與上週比較 與上月比較


  0.19 %   0.67 %


  0.04 %   0.29 %

  本週公佈 上週比較 上月比較
港島 129.78 0.75 % 2.46 %
九龍 115.89 0.08 % 2.16 %
新界(東) 119.62 0.49 % 0.33 %
新界(西) 99.35 0.82 % 1.44 %



全港整體港島 九龍新界東 新界西
           附加: 6個月移動平均線 12個月移動平均線



  0.19 %   0.67 %



7. 蛻变中嘅懶人 2014-04-22 11:38:01

二手樓中原领先指數同報章樓市報導背向係指出好淡争持, 禾雀乱飛之局.

新樓賣得係因為連埋送隻大辣椒, 價錢以市價嚟講可以接受,  有銀之人認為OK啦, 但對無銀嗰揸人嚟講, 都係天價, 我指有銀之人唔係富豪, 只係向上流咗嘅前中產, 無銀嗰揸人唔係窮人, 只係向下流咗嘅前中產, 懶人覺得前中產嘅購買力出现咗斷層分流局面, 對後市有無影响現在諗唔到.

差餉估價升, 可能係政府將發展商成交面價當真實成交價嚟計, 咁新樓樓價就有能被高估, 再加上呢年來觀望緊嘅上流中產租樓等跌市, 下流中產無能力買只租, 真正窮人被迫搶租劏房, 形成租金上升等因素, 咁即係話政府博懵食業主夾棍, 又食辣招又借頭借路添食差餉嚟幫補庫房.

以上全部純係靠估, 毫無數據支持嘅怪論, 請勿插.

8. 逸瑤 2014-04-22 11:44:23

9. 蜕变中嘅懶人 2014-04-22 12:07:58
懶人再諗, 如果呢半年發展商死都唔肯開近二手價, 死都维持以往嘅溢價又絕不送多達近20%大辣椒, 樓市氣氛會唔會唔同晒呢? 如果你個腦出現樓市淡静嘅局面, 咁可能你已經默認, 樓市真係可能在下跌中尋支持位, 如果你個腦出現樓市同現在差不多或更墟冚嘅局面, 咁無疑你真係好友中嘅大哥大大, 我覺得人心係市場嘅最大元素, 所以我認懶, 成日靠估, 估市况人心, 懶, 撞板係活該,
10. 黃建業:港樓市陰乾 跌到2017年 - 耗盡剩餘購買力 樓市最壞時期還未到 2014-04-22 12:19:03



11. 中立人 2014-04-22 17:45:33
唉, 成交稍為多少少就當大升


12. 中 立人 2014-04-22 18:31:46

博士 or his staff,

pls reply above question, I really want to learn from you , please /...

13. 湯文亮 2014-04-22 19:05:07
14. 冒充人 2014-04-22 20:00:32
To: 中立人
我是第一個用這名字"中立人"的人,為什麼你要這樣無恥利用別人的稱號去問一些你滿腦子預設偏見的問題? 我也是自住小業主,何懼跌之有?有物業收租的人,很多有正現金流,供款愈來愈輕,身邊不知多少人如果不是因為辣招,一早換了中型單位。
15. Lau 2014-04-22 20:23:08



Lau Nai-keung


When reporters sought my reactions to British Minister of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Hugo Swire’s recent article on constitutional development in Hong Kong, I said, “Don’t issue blank checques.” If the British are at all sincere in stand(ing) ready to support in any way our dissidents in their fight for their weird brand of “true universal suffrage” in disregard to the Basic Law, just open the door and let all BNO passport holders here have the right of abode in the UK. This has been fought for by some people since the early nineties, and should it be granted I am sure you will hear Good Save the Queen in many corners of this city, not to mention the Union Jack will appear more conspicuously in future rallies large and small.


Alas, these are just empty words coming from a middle-ranking official of a much weakened small island country, and the rebuttal from Chinese foreign Affairs Ministry was swift and blunt. In Hong Kong the official line is “we don’t need your help, you busybody.” And among the public, nobody takes Swire’s pledge of support with a grain of salt. Hong Kong People are not STUPID, you know.


This together with the recent highly inappropriate behavior of the new American Consulate General Clifford Hart, the issues relating to constitutional development in Hong Kong are now tainted with nationalism. As pointed out by some dissident leaders their concerted efforts to meddle into constitutional development here will do more harm than good to their crooked cause because it is now clearly no longer just about democracy, but also about Western superpower sticking its nose in this city’s internal affairs. Most people here for a variety of reasons don’t want to upset Beijing, and the very few with separatist sentiments are bound to be marginalized.


From previous experience it is futile for the SAR government to canvass support from individuals and small factions in the dissident camp. Only the Democratic Party with 6 seats in the Legislative Council can save the day with a bloc vote.


In the upcoming five steps of constitutional development, there will be only two scenarios. Either the Democratic Party makes another deal with the central government to get the relevant bill passed in the Legislative Council or the dissident politicians bundled together to veto the bill. In either case unrest will bound to follow, the difference is only a matter of size and the degree of violence. Thanks to joint Anglo-American effort, much fewer people will join the mob, which makes it much easier for the police to handle.


The pressure is now focused on the Democratic Party as was in 2010, and most people want them to come to a second compromise with the central government to achieve a soft landing for 2017 universal suffrage in the election of Chief Executive.

There is mounting pressure for its legislators to support the official proposal of universal suffrage in 2017 Chief Executive election unless it is far off the mark and utterly untenable, which everybody knows is highly unlikely. Subsequently there is tremendous stress within the Democratic Party, many of its members insist they are also patriotic, only that they love China, but not the ruling Communist Party. Siding with the Americans and the British without a credible excuse will make them traitors in the eyes of many citizens after their old leader, the infamous Martin Lee Chu-ming. In a roundabout way, the US and UK are giving China a hand in stabilizing the situation to the detriment of dissidents they are supposed to support, as it is not unusual in over politicking.


Compromise is always possible as Chinese are pragmatic people, but now it is crystal clear that the give and take has to be within the framework of the Basic Law. On top of that, to gain rapport with the central government the Democratic Party has to be seen to dissociate with American and British influence.


“We don’t need your support. Stay away from Hong Kong.” Does the Democratic Party have the moral courage to say this to the face of the Americans and the British? I am pessimistic, and this being the case, compromise solution is no longer an option and the Democratic Party will veto the government proposal. There will be no universal suffrage in 2017, and thousands will take to the street to protest…This is our Karma.

16. 貨幣系統真相 2014-04-22 20:31:25
17. 貨幣系統真相 2014-04-22 20:42:43

18. Lydia Dunn 2014-04-22 20:43:12

  In 1979, the Hong Kong governor Sir MacLehose paid a visit to Deng Xiaoping to sound out China's intention on the future of Hong Kong when the treaties that leased Hong Kong to Britain was due to expire in 1997.  Deng told MacLehose in no uncertain terms that China will get Hong Kong back.  MacLehose didn't divulge this important piece of news to the Hong Kong people when he returned.  Instead shortly afterwards the British parliament quietly and without fanfare passed a law voiding the passports of the Hong Kong British passport holders by denying them the rights to reside in Britain (a new category of passport, called the BNO (British National Overseas) were invented for this purpose).

Adding insult to injury, in 1996, shortly before the handover when all the focus was on the impending handover, the British Hong Kong government quietly passed a law that in effect allows any British civil servants and its families members Hong Kong residencies if he or she so choose to apply, and many did.

So this is how the British government treated the Hong Kong people after one hundred and fifty years of colonial rule.  And now the British government want to help the Hong Kong people.  Is this a joke?

19. 貨幣系統真相 2014-04-22 20:45:38

20. 貨幣系統真相 2014-04-22 20:47:45

21. 貨幣系統真相 2014-04-22 20:49:15
插入不到 video 了?
22. Anson Chan 2014-04-22 20:55:59
Do you think, the existing some 3.4 million of British nationals (Overseas) should be given back the right of abode in the United Kingdom? which right was ceased upon them through a series of amendments in the British Nationality Law dated back to the 60s till the 90s. It has been a long time since I was last here on d forum, my attitude has changed along with my age. but I still think its an obligation that the British government has to honour, to restore a basic human right - right to land - to its people. 

UK Border Agency | Who is a British national (overseas)?

We were given this bizarre category of British nationality - BNO, abbreviation for British Nationals Overseas. I call it "Britain says NO". a British passport, for British nationals, who are also Commonwealth citizens, but not British citizens, WITH NO right of abode in the UK. 

Gibraltarians, Falklanders, Bermudans have all been given the right to register as British Citizens (BC) which enables the right to live in the United Kingdom through the British Overseas Territories Act 2002, but this act explicitly states it DOESNT apply to the British nationals via connection with Hong Kong.

British Overseas Territories Act 2002

The British government in 2008 directed Lord Goldsmith QC to write an analytic report regarding British citizenships in response to House of Commons' request. 
Here is what he says: dont bother to read it if you cant be arsed 
"From discussions that I have had in Hong Kong, it is clear to me that the demand for BN(O) status is dropping. Nonetheless to remove this status without putting something significant in its place would be seen as the British reneging on their promise to the people of Hong Kong. The only option which would be characterized as fair would be to offer existing BN(O) holders the right to gain full British citizenship. It is likely that many would not take this up as the prospects economic and fiscal of moving to the UK are not favourable to those well-established in Hong Kong.However, I am advised that this would be a breach of the commitments made between China and the UK in the 1984 Joint Declaration on the future of Hong Kong, an international treaty between the two countries; and that to secure Chinese agreement to vary the terms of that treaty would not be possible. On that basis, I see no alternative but to preserve this one anomalous category of citizenship." 

France, for example, does not categorise its overseas citizens into second classes. whether they are citizens of Reunion, which is 5700 miles away from mainland France in the southern tip of Africa, or some 9700 miles away in French Polynesia in the Pacific. They are ALL good auld French citizens.

23. Martin Lee 2014-04-22 20:59:59
its game over for Hong Kong. Tens of thousands of wealthy Hongkongers flew abroad, the lucky ones who got full British citizenship went to Britain, some went to other Commonwealth countries primarily to Canada and Australia. the Chinese government will never give us universal suffrage which has been demanded for ages. the political democratic system has given way to the communist oppression. sigh.........its sad to see a wealthy, free, democratic civilised society falls into a hand of a red dictator regime. thats why I left too.
24. peter2 2014-04-22 21:13:25
I may help reply to 中立人's question... for clarification, i am neither staff / existing acquaintance of Dr Tong, though I am a friend and avid reader of his blog

I am selling a three-bedroom kornhill now, the responses are actually quite hot, being one of the only 3bds available for vacant possession... I had given exclusive to my broker for over one mthnow, a few other agents want to approach me to ask for my listing... the same block same view is sold at higher than valuation, offers are at mid to high-mid of the bank valuation but I happen to think my unit needs at least at the high end of the valuation range... so not accepting potential buyer who wants to cut my asking by 10%...

My optimism maybe biased but with a lot of viewing and my unit is a newly fit one, i don't find a lot of catalyst to lower the price yet as the property is paying down mortgage...
25. 引刀一快 2014-04-22 21:34:40
to 蜕变中嘅懒人

“成日靠估, 估市况人心”無可厚非,呢個世界冇咩經濟學方程式真係放諸四海皆準,咩嘢人用咩理論去做預測,其實就係市况人心嘅忠實反映。
26. or sir 2014-04-22 21:36:59
回覆昨天blog 友查询有关二十年前加拿大加加利買地經驗。二十年前,剛從澳洲敗北而回,看見報章廣告説:Calgary, Alberta有地賣,一公頃二萬加元,胆粗粗便走上去代理於尖沙咀公司,當時的sales 是個二十餘歲的小姐,不需談話多久,我便簽约買下一個一acre 的地,它們分二百多acre五期發展,可分期,要给四成訂金,若分期,利息十一厘,由加拿大银行估finance.我還記得我每月伴供款六百港元左在,當時一元加幤大概等於四元半港元。我買的原因很簡單,因我於UA Alberta 讀書知道加,加利是這省最繁荣的城市,而且有省政府出證書,有信心。經歷九七、零三、零八等困境,地價仍上升。我賣得早,只賺四倍,若於零八年賣,升了八倍,因所有地被manulife 收購,計埋汇價,真和味。上年重遇這sales, 她已進升副總裁,我亦向她公司買了於美国的地,賭賭眼光!
27. 蜕变中嘅懒人 2014-04-22 21:39:09
湯博士喺13樓答冒牌中立人嘅回應, 簡直幽默到令我拍案叫绝, 博士, 你好嘢!
28. Margaret Thatcher 2014-04-22 21:43:51
  BNO 的問題上,英政府有幾大漏洞,根本無法完全堵塞。第一個「法理黑洞」,就是曼島、直布羅陀等歷史殘餘物的問題,令歐洲其他國家,特別是仍擁有皇室的國家,必定要尊重這些歷史條約的約束;而西班牙想收回直布羅陀主權的問題,則是英、西兩國難以解開的死結,令同樣因條約割讓的香港問題複雜化。由於歐洲整合而要簽署《里斯本條約》,確立新的歐洲憲法去加強整合,如果非歐盟、非英國領土、非英國國藉的曼島八萬居民,可以擁有歐盟公民身份,作為前英國皇室領土,擁有英國國藉(雖然只是沒有本土居留權的次等「海外」國藉)的 BNO 持有人,怎可能不給予歐盟公民身份呢?反過來就可以給人家藉口,拒絕承認曼島人的權力,那麼以英女皇為元首的曼島,位於愛爾蘭與威爾斯中間的一個小島,怎麼辦?(註:詳見歐洲與人權一文)
  反過來,今時今日如果英國的議會取消 BNO 護照,或把 BNO 的定義降級,則必定被港人告上歐洲人權法庭而輸到甩褲--今時不同往日,英政府想偷雞亂來,是沒有可能的,因為事實英國已被歐盟綁在一起,不守法的唯一方式,就是脫離歐盟。
  第二個法律黑洞,就是 BNO 本身的法律地位很奇怪,在護照上偏偏和其他「無居英權」護照不同,由於護照上沒有明文寫出 BNO 要受入境條例的限制,單就這件事打上英國的法院,都可能足以令政府敗訴。
  第三個法律黑洞,就是《歐洲人權公約》Protocol 4 的約束;Protocol 4 確立成員國必須讓其國民自由居留的權利;英國目前的角色極度奇怪,既是簽約的成員國,可是卻仍未實施有關的法例,而由於這條條文已得到了歐洲絕大多數國家的執行,包括葡萄牙也給了澳門持葡國護照人士的「居葡權」、擁有完整的歐洲國藉身份,英國奇怪的角色令自己在歐洲的人權討論上飽受攻擊,因此遲或早,英國都必定要解決這個問題。
  第四個法律黑洞,也是《歐洲人權公約》的 Article 14 Prohibition of discrimination--明文禁止性別、種族、膚色、宗教等的歧視;英政府對曼島、直布羅陀及香港上的不同待遇,在客觀事實及法律面前根本無法說得通。有關歧視的條文,2006 ECHR 加入強大的 Protocol 12,保障公民任何法律上免歧視的權利;雖然目前英政府因 Protocol 12 過份強力而拒絕簽署,但已表示原則上同意應在 ECHR 加入明確的反歧視條文。
  雖然在未有 Protocol 12 的 Article 14 原文,規定其應用只能在其他 Articles 上,可是由於 BNO 理論上沒有居英權及居歐權,把這些英藉港人「棄置」在香港,一旦有人就香港所沒有,卻在 ECHR 擁有的人權問題--例如那府工會、言論、結社、生活自由等問題提出挑戰,亦足以構成強力的挑戰,令問題變得無解。
  就此問題,英國國內亦有回應;目前英國正在研究簡化國藉法,特別提到要滿足 ECHR Protocol 4 的要求,傳聞今次白高敦訪華,亦專誠談到 BNO 擁有居歐權方向問題,這一切的現象,最終會出現甚麼情況呢?瑞典回應之後,丹麥、芬蘭等國家會採取甚麼態度,會否無可避免地,令歐洲各國紛紛表態呢?且看事態發展吧。
29. 蜕变中嘅懒人 2014-04-22 22:02:34


我自問讀書少, 所以真係多數參巧實况同其他人意見, 估估吓, 但係態度認真嗰隻, 就如引刀一快兄對內地情况甚為暸解, 我黙黙留意並學習中, 我佩服呢個網站中所有無私奉獻宝贵經驗嘅前輩, 不過, 我都希望有啲個人見解分享, 或可達到抛磚引玉, 靠估難免錯多, 請包涵.

30. 唔買唔買,結果又買 2014-04-22 22:14:14

【樓市我算盡】蘇民峰2月指冇運行 今日三千萬買舖



31. 引刀一快 2014-04-22 23:16:07
32. 初學者Tony 2014-04-22 23:18:00
上升的話有乜機會 會取消 DSD? 
33. 初學者Tony 2014-04-22 23:22:40
34. 搞笑 2014-04-23 01:21:15
大個覺得cy個3d冇用甘不如俾d proposal 呀cy點先可以好有效甘另樓跌3成啦甘!(大好友覺得樓係祇會有升冇跌既可以當冇睇過!因為我想睇d冇建設性既回答)
35. to 27/F 2014-04-23 10:45:09
有咩咁拍案叫絕呢, 擦鞋仔

博士都唔識答人地500萬樓上的点算, 拖字缺
仲好叫人計續睇佢, 真搞笑

36. to or sir 2014-04-23 14:15:35
美國obama care好像令中產付出多,有說家庭付擔比按揭更高,長遠會有問題嗎?若美元要成為主要交易貨幣,長遠還是會眨的,因為升了就不想用來交易,反而英磅等長升長有,因為成了富人藏富之地。
37. 貨幣系統真相 2014-04-23 22:47:07